Web Analytics

August 27, 2014 By kristi@downlifter.com 0

So, you’ve got a great website. Now what? How do you know how much your website is contributing to your business sales or goals?

Answer: Install at least one analytics program on your website and dig into the details.

Once analytics are installed, we can track visitor info such as where they located, how they found you, how long they stayed on your site, where they navigated to on your site, etc. Analytics can also track specific goals you set, like sales of a specific item, follows on a social site, etc. This information is crucial in making logical decisions about how to update and maintain your website. If you can see traffic trends and how people prefer to use your website, you can cater your updates to their needs, bringing you happier customers and higher conversions.

After reviewing results from the analytic program (Downlifter uses a minimum of 30-day period to analyze) key changes can be made to your website to better suit the way your customer searches for you & how they navigate your site. End result: your website helps you meet your sales and business goals faster and more efficiently.

Part of what makes our web analytics services so great is that we turn it into plain english for you with our Downlifter Metrics Report. It’s easy to get lost and frustrated looking at all of the data from your website performance. We take the key factors relevant to your business and online goals, then translate the analytical data to easy to understand diagnosis and recommendations for improvement.

On top of the analysis of your website, Downlifter will also do keyword and key phrase searches to determine the best way to word your content so your target market will find you more easily.

Downlifter offers website analytics services individually or combined with website maintenance or website design services. We primarily use Google Analytics when installing new analytics programs to websites. If you currently have another analytics program installed, we will gladly use your analytics if you prefer. Contact Downlifter to understand how well your website is performing and how to continue making it the most functional it can be.

30-day Full Website Analysis: $500
*includes 30 day full analysis, Downlifter Metrics Report & 1 hour meeting discussing website review.

Analysis Consulting: $75 per hour
*consultation topics include SEO, content, usability, social integration, website analysis & traffic.